- 2013年中國民營醫院發展年會 展覽概況
Up to April 2013, the number of Chinese private hospitals has reached 10,234, occupying 43% of the whole Chinese hospitals, and is keeping growing by 15% per year. It can be expected in next few years Chinese private hospitals will experience a rapid development, and have a greater influence in the Chinese hospital industry. As the top leading industry event, 2013 China Private Hospital Development Annual Conference will bring guests from government officials,experts,investors, directors of both public and private hospitals, and relevant players of the field. The conference will focus on “create innovative cooperation between public and private hospitals, promote the sustainable development of private hospitals”, bring together authoritative information, front hotspot and best practice, share the professional and international perspective with the industry peers with multi-leveled & in-depth research and communication, seeking to solve the problems in private hospital development.
- 2013年中國民營醫院發展年會 參與對象
1.全國民營醫院投資者、院長,中國醫院協會民營醫院管理分會全體委員及其單位相關人員,湖北省醫 院協會民營醫院管理委員會全體委員及會員單位相關人員;
2.全國各省(市)、自治區民營醫院行業協會組織負責人; 3.全國公立醫院院長; 4.相關醫藥企業、投資、咨詢及管理機構負責人。
- 2013年中國民營醫院發展年會 參展費用
- 2013年中國民營醫院發展年會 註意事項
展出內容 Exhibitor Profile:
專業管理與咨詢顧問服務 投融資機構 醫療保險與金融服務 醫院品牌建設與VIS服務 人才管理與培養計劃 專科醫療裝備解決方案 大型醫療設備租賃服務 藥品 醫療器械 醫用紡織品、服裝等 其他
- 2013年中國民營醫院發展年會 會議核心議題 Conference Main Topics
2.公立與民營醫院合作模式創新 3.優勢學科打造與精益化管理 4.新技術引進推廣與服務能力提升 5.籌資渠道拓展與社會資金高效利用